So how can we help?
Our Services

Alwena Jones & Bright Solicitors are based in Tywyn, Barmouth, Blaenau Ffestiniog and Dolgellau.

We focus our services on the areas of Property Law, Family Law, Commercial transactions, Wills and Probate. A detail description of the services offer is set out below.

Family Law

Family matters can be very distressing and difficult and if you have made that hard decision to seek advice from a family Solicitor we offer a sympathetic and pragmatic approach to guiding you through your options.

Whether you have decided to separate or divorce your partner or you need to make contact arrangements for your children we offer a one on one discreet and understanding service.

We have a number of years’ experience in the field and we can provide you with expert advice to guide you through a wide range of family matters including Separation Agreements, divorce, financial settlement on divorce, contact arrangements and Residency Applications for children, welfare arrangements/maintenance for children and advice regarding co-habitation.

We will be with you every step of the way and will be there to offer you support and advice as and when you need it.

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Moving Home

Buying a house will be one of the biggest financial commitments of most people’s lives.

We are here to provide you with expert advice offering a personal and comprehensive service to meet all of your needs when selling and buying property. Our expert advisors can guide you through the complex process of buying and selling property by offering detailed step by step advice to ensure that matters run smoothly.

We pride ourselves on the speed and efficiency in which we are able to deal with conveyancing transactions. We will always be there throughout the process to guide you and offer advice and we offer fixed upfront fees so that you can plan for the future.

We also deal with transfers of equity, leases and registration of property at the Land Registry.

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Commercial Law

We offer a wide range of commercial services including buying and selling commercial property and businesses, drafting commercial leases, agricultural sales and tenancies and drafting commercial Contracts.

We can advise you on all aspects of commercial transactions including commercial disputes and employment matters.

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Wills & Probate


For some people making a Will can be an arduous process which is why a lot of people avoid going to see a Solicitor. A Will though can be one of the most important documents that you ever create and regardless of how large or small your assets are we would strongly advise you to consider having a Will prepared.

We can make this process simple and straightforward whether you require a simple Will or a complex Family Trust. We can offer you advice with expertise and efficiency. We can also advise you on Inheritance Tax issues and trusts.


Losing a loved one is often one of the most traumatic experiences of a person’s life. You may need somebody to talk to and to guide you through the process of administering a loved one’s estate. We can be there for you to assist with the administration of the estate, applying for Probate and dealing with Inheritance Tax.

We have years of experience in dealing with these matters and we can ensure that they run smoothly and efficiently to take the burden from you and ensure that the administration takes place in a timely manner.

We can advise you on a wide range of Inheritance Tax issues including Deeds of Variation and we can also handle Land Registry matters including the sale of property following a person’s passing.

Powers of Attorney

You do not have to be on the verge of losing capacity to have a Lasting Power of Attorney prepared. Many people have them prepared as a safeguard in case there ever came a time where they were unable to deal with their financial and welfare affairs on their own.

We can advise and guide you through the process of creating a Property and Financial Affairs or Health and Welfare Power of Attorney (or both) and then registering those Powers of Attorney at the Office of the Public Guardian.

We can also offer advice and services in relation to obtaining Deputyship if a person has lost capacity and we are available for Court of Protection appearances.

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Our costs

Residential Conveyancing

Our fees for acting in the sale or purchase of a residential property range from £500 to £3500 plus vat for all property purchases up to the value of £500,000. All of our estimated fess are on a fixed fee basis and they are specifically tailored to the property that you are selling or buying based on the value of the property and the complexity involved in the transaction.

In addition to this there will be the following fees and this will be included as part of the estimate we provide to all of our clients on their initial enquiry:

  • Search fees approximately £130 to £250

  • Land Registration Fees £20 to £540 (based on property value)

  • Stamp Duty Land Tax or Welsh Land Tax on purchase depending on the value and we will provide you with a figure for this tax on your initial enquiry.

Fees are quoted on the information provided by you at the time of giving the estimate. If there is additional or unforeseen work that transpires later in the transaction we will agree a separate fee for such work before undertaking the same and those fees will be in line with the ranges stated above.

The Process

Sale – here is a summary of what we will undertake:

  • Taking instructions and providing initial advice.

  • Obtaining a copy of the Land Register/reviewing Title Deeds (if the property is unregistered).

  • Prepare contract papers.

  • Take instructions and reply to pre contract enquiries.

  • Reply to completion information and undertakings and approve a draft Transfer.

  • Obtain a redemption figure for your mortgage and redeem the same on completion.

  • Proceed to exchange of contracts and completion.

  • Transfer any remaining sale proceeds to your account on completion.

Purchase – here is a summary of what we will undertake:

  • Taking instructions and provide initial advice.

  • Undertake pre contract searches.

  • Review Land Register/Title Deeds and report to you on right sand covenants affecting the property.

  • Raise pre contract enquiries.

  • Prepare a draft transfer and raise completion information and undertakings.

  • Report to you on pre contract searches.

  • Report to you on mortgage offers (if any).

  • Exchange contracts and complete.

  • File Stamp Duty/Welsh Land Tax Return and settle any taxation due.

  • Register the property in your name at the Land Registry (this includes registration of any charges if you are obtaining a mortgage).


Residential conveyancing sales and purchases typically take between 10 and 14 weeks. We aim to ensure that you can move house as swiftly as possible and we will provide you with regular updates throughout the course of the purchase on realistic timescales for concluding the transaction.

Leasehold Property

If you are purchasing a leasehold property then additional charges will apply due to the complexity involved in the transaction.

Typically we will add between £200 to £800 + Vat on leasehold properties up to a value of £500 in addition to the range of figures quoted above for dealing with the transaction.

There is also likely to be additional fees applied by a Landlord in respect of the leasehold property in respect of giving notice of the assignment of the Lease to you, notices of any mortgages and where necessary entering into a Deed of Covenant. We will provide you with details of those fees when they are obtained from the Landlord at the time of transaction so that you have notice in advance.


Depending on the value of the estate and the complexity involved, our fees range from £1500 to £10,000 for estates with a value up to £250,000 plus 1-1.5% of the value of the estate based on time spent. This fee includes:

  • Reviewing the estate with you, collecting information about the deceased assets and liabilities.

  • Obtaining valuations of the assets on the estate including freehold and leasehold property, shares, bank accounts, bonds and investment portfolios.

  • Reviewing the Will or where the person has died without leaving a Will, considering those beneficiaries entitled as next of kin to inherit from the estate.

  • Placing Section 27 Trustee Act 1925 Notices.

  • Preparing inheritance tax accounts required by HMRC and undertaking IHT calculations.

  • Preparing Oath of Executors/Oath of Administrators.

  • Obtaining Grants of Probate/Letters of Administration.

  • Collecting all assets in the estate and settling liabilities.

  • Distributing specific and cash legacies on the estate.

  • Obtaining a HMRC Clearance Certificate if necessary.

  • Preparing estate accounts for the Executors/Administrators to approve and distributing the residue of the estate.

Administration of estates typically take between 6 and 12 months depending on the circumstances and complexity of the assets and liabilities including the complexity of the inheritance tax calculation (and the time it takes HMRC to respond). If the administration of the estate is likely to exceed this timescale then we will advise you in good time and explain the cause of the requirement for additional time to conclude the administration of the estate.

There will also be additional fees for swearing Oath of Executors/Oath of Administrators between £5 and £11 per Executor/Administrator.

Probate applications are charged at a fee of £155 if the estate is worth over £5000. If inheritance tax is payable on the estate this is charged at a rate of 40% on the net estate after deduction of any tax relief and allowances and we can provide you with specific advice on the amount due when valuations of all assets and liabilities have been collected.

Statutory advertisements for creditors range between £200 to £400 + Vat (if applicable).

All work will be undertaken by or under the supervision of a solicitor with over 10 years post qualification experience.

Vat on all costs quoted is charges at a rate of 20%.

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Blaenau Ffestiniog
01766 831882
01341 423687
01654 711499
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Alwena Jones &
Bright Solicitors