Dealing with someone’s Estate can also be difficult, overwhelming and complicated. This is why instructing solicitors is essential to guide you through the process. The main people involved in any Estate are the Executors, these are people named in someone’s Will to deal with their Estate when they pass away. The first thing an Executor will need to do is register the death at their local registrar to receive a Death Certificate. After this, the Executor could then book an appointment to see a solicitor or a probate executive to discuss the extent of the Estate and whether inheritance tax forms are necessary. The next step is applying for a Grant of Probate. A Grant of Probate is a legal document that gives Executors authority to act to collect assets. This document can be used to close bank accounts owned by the person who has passed away, as well as sell any properties owned by the person who has passed away. A solicitor will complete the Probate forms for the Executors and send them off. All an Executor needs to do is provide the relevant information, check the forms are correct and sign them. Once a Grant of Probate has been obtained the solicitors can collect any money due to an Estate, use that money to pay off anything that needs paying and ultimately distribute the remaining money to the beneficiaries. Probate can be a lengthy and complex process. If you are appointed as an Executor having solicitors is a beneficial choice and can help take the weight off your shoulders. If you have any further questions or would like further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at or by telephone on 01766 831882.